近期活動【Vizgen 空間基因體學專題講座】MERSCOPE™ Platform: True Multiomic Spatial Analysis for Biological Research
Vizgen 空間基因體學專題講座

MERSCOPE™ Platform: True Multiomic Spatial Analysis for Biological Research


MERSCOPE™ Platform for Spatial Transcriptomics本次演講將介紹 Vizgen 公司獨特的「MERSCOPE™ 平台」,它能讓研究人員在單一組織切片上進行高解析度亞細胞級的目標基因原位分析,可同時精確識別數百個核酸分子的定位與表現量資訊;亦可結合抗體,在同一個樣本中進行 RNA 與蛋白質的空間多體學研究,幫助研究人員更全面深入地探討複雜疾病機轉與生物機制。

Biological systems are composed of numerous cell types, intricately organized to form functional tissues and organs. However, the tissue organization is lost when cells are dissociated for single-cell sequencing, making it difficult to study how cellular heterogeneity is contributing to the function of the tissue.

In this presentation, we will introduce you to Vizgen’s MERSCOPE™ Platform for in situ spatial genomics, which enables the direct profiling of the spatial organization of intact tissue with genomic-scale throughput. The MERSCOPE Platform can be applied to a wide range of biological research areas including neuroscience, oncology, developmental biology, and plant biology. Attend our seminar to learn more.


Thaddaeus (Thaddy Teo)
Field Application Scientist, Vizgen
Tsai-Ming Lu
Assistant Research Scientist, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica


