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細胞凋亡 (Apoptosis) 又稱為細胞程式死亡 (programmed cell death),在生物個體發育與維持成體恆定的過程中,與細胞分裂同樣扮演著重要的角色。例如:在發育過程中細胞凋亡機制可協助挑選出最適留存的功能細胞,以及參與塑造個體及器官的形態長成;而在成體中,細胞凋亡則扮演著淘汰衰老細胞以及剔除危險細胞 (如:受到環境傷害或病毒感染而造成遺傳物質突變或損傷,無法被修復且可能造成個體威脅的細胞) 的重要功能。

相較於另一種常見的細胞死亡形式「壞死」(Necrosis),細胞凋亡為生物體內正常生理性細胞死亡的機制,其過程是由特定的蛋白質或酵素所調控。當細胞凋亡受到異常地抑制或活化時,即可能導致疾病的產生 (如:癌症或糖尿病),因此偵測標的藥物對細胞凋亡的影響性,可作為評估藥物療效的重要指標之一。

  細胞凋亡 Aoptosis 細胞壞死 Necrosis
調控機制 嚴謹 無或鬆散
死亡模式 單一細胞 一群鄰近細胞
能量需求 ATP
細胞形態 皺縮 腫脹
細胞膜 保持完整且 Phosphatidylserine (PS) 外現 有裂解現象
胞器 收縮 腫脹
Caspase 活化
DNA 於電泳圖上可見階梯狀 DNA 片段 (DNA Ladder) 於電泳圖上可見隨機 不規則的 DNA 片段 (Smear)


伯森提供來自國際知名大廠 Enzo Life Sciences 公司的 Apoptosis 偵測工具,具有豐富文獻紀錄的優異品質,可適用於流式細胞儀、螢光顯微鏡、螢光微量盤讀取儀、盤式酵素免疫分析儀 (ELISA reader) 、或電泳膠體等…多種偵測平台。請根據您所欲分析的樣本類型,點擊下列各分類選項標籤,瀏覽詳細產品內容。同時歡迎您多加利用便利的伯森客戶服務資源 02-2788-2121 / 0800-059-668 / 線上留言,讓我們協助您快速取得適用產品資訊。


  • Intact Cells
  • Cell Lysates or Culture Supernatants
  • Serum/Plasma
  • Tissue Sections


Intact Cells - Flow Cytometry - Plasma Membrane Alterations
Product Pack Size Cat. No.
Annexin V (human), (rec.) 100 µg ALX-201-116-C100
Annexin V (human), (rec.) (APC conjugate) 20 tests ALX-209-252-T020
100 tests ALX-209-252-T100
Annexin V (human), (rec.) (ATTO 488 conjugate) 100 tests ALX-209-258-T100
Annexin V (human), (rec.) (ATTO 647N conjugate) 100 tests ALX-209-259-T100
Annexin V (human), (rec.) (biotin conjugate) 20 tests ALX-209-002-T020
100 tests ALX-209-002-T100
300 tests ALX-209-002-T300
Annexin V (human), (rec.) (FITC conjugate) 20 tests ALX-209-250-T020
100 tests ALX-209-250-T100
300 tests ALX-209-250-T300
Annexin V (human), (rec.) (FITC conjugate) 100 tests ALX-209-256-T100
3 x 100 tests ALX-209-256-3100
Annexin V (human), (rec.) (R-PE conjugate) 20 tests ALX-209-251-T020
100 tests ALX-209-251-T100
Annexin V (mouse), (rec.) (Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate) 100 tests ALX-209-257-T100
Annexin V-Cy3 apoptosis detection kit 25 tests ALX-850-252-KI01
100 tests ALX-850-252-KI02
400 tests ALX-850-252-KI03
Annexin V-Cy3 apoptosis detection kit plus 25 tests ALX-850-257-KI01
100 tests ALX-850-257-KI02
Annexin V-Cy5 apoptosis detection kit 25 tests ALX-850-254-KI01
100 tests ALX-850-254-KI02
Annexin V-EGFP apoptosis detection kit 25 tests ALX-850-253-KI01
100 tests ALX-850-253-KI02
400 tests ALX-850-253-KI03
Annexin V-FITC apoptosis detection kit 100 tests ALX-850-020-KI02
300 tests ALX-850-020-KI01
Annexin V-FITC apoptosis detection kit 25 tests ALX-850-250-KI01
100 tests ALX-850-250-KI02
400 tests ALX-850-250-KI03
Annexin V-FITC apoptosis detection kit plus 25 tests ALX-850-255-KI01
100 tests ALX-850-255-KI02
Annexin V-FITC kit 100 mg ADI-ADK-700-E
200 mg ADI-ADK-700-F
GFP-Certified Apoptosis/Necrosis detection kit 25 assays ENZ-51002-25
100 assays ENZ-51002-100
Nuclear-ID Blue/Green cell viability reagent 100 µl ENZ-53004-C100
Nuclear-ID Blue/Red cell viability reagent (GFP-Certified) 100 µl ENZ-53005-C100
Nuclear-ID Red/Green cell viability reagent 100 µl ENZ-53006-C100
Intact Cells - Flow Cytometry - Mitochondrial Changes
Intact Cells - Flow Cytometry - Changes in the Cytoplasm
Intact Cells - Flow Cytometry - DNA Modifications
Intact Cells - Microscopy - Plasma Membrane Alterations
Intact Cells - Microscopy - Mitochondrial Changes
Intact Cells - Microscopy - Changes in the Cytoplasm
Intact Cells - Microscopy - DNA Modifications
Intact Cells - Microtiter Plate Assay - Mitochondrial Changes
Intact Cells - Microtiter Plate Assay - Changes in the Cytoplasm
Intact Cells - Microtiter Plate Assay - DNA Modifications

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