產品介紹細胞培養與分析細胞培養基與細胞培養相關試劑增殖用細胞培養基經典泛用型細胞培養基 (Classical Cell Media)


經典泛用型細胞培養基 (Classical Cell Media)提供包含 DMEM、Ham's、IMDM、M199、MEM、RPMI 等多種經典細胞培養基產品,可適用於哺乳動物細胞的生長培養使用。歡迎與我們聯繫索取詳細產品資訊。


Type Product Cat. No.
DMEM DMEM with High-Glucose, L-Glutamine and Sodium Pyruvate SC-09221
DMEM with High-Glucose, L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate and HEPES SC-09241
DMEM with L-Glutamine and Sodium Pyruvate SC-09211
DMEM with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate and HEPES SC-09231
DMEM/F-12 DMEM/F-12 with L-Glutamine SC-09411
DMEM/F-12 with L-Glutamine and HEPES SC-09421
Ham’s F-10 Ham’s F-10 nutrient mix with L-Glutamine and HEPES SC-09311
Ham’s F-12 Ham's F-12 nutrient mix with L-Glutamine and HEPES SC-09321
IMDM IMDM with L-Glutamine and HEPES SC-09611
M199 M199 with Earle's Salts and L-Glutamine SC-09111
M199 with Hank's Salts and L-Glutamine SC-09121
MEM MEM with Eagle's Salts and L-Glutamine SC-09031
MEM with Earle's Salts and L-Glutamine SC-09011
MEM with Hank's Salts and L-Glutamine SC-09021
RPMI 1640 RPMI 1640 with L-Glutamine and HEPES SC-09521
RPMI 1640 without L-Glutamine, with HEPES SC-09511