關於伯森生技 (About Us)


伯森生物科技 (股) 公司創立於 1998 年 7 月,是由一群熱情於工作的夥伴所組成,成員們多數來自國內生命科學領域的碩士班畢業生,並經過嚴格的訓練,對於工作始終抱持著熱情、積極、專業及絕對負責的態度。

伯森生技的成立宗旨是希望以零時差的速度將最新的知識與技術產品引進國內,為提升國內生物技術產業研發能量盡一份心力。我們目前代理 AbcamEnzo Life SciencesRevvityAnaSpecibidiMirus BioNavinci DiagnosticsScienCellPacBioVizgenVWR, part of AvantorBioChainEurogentecGene ToolsJena BioscienceHanna Instruments 等數十家國際知名生命科學研究試劑、耗材與設備廠商。伯森仍將持續藉由參加國際展覽、閱讀期刊文獻以及產學合作等方式,並經過審慎專業的篩選與評估,為國內研究領域發掘出更多優質的技術與產品。

處在生物科技產業起飛的時代,有更多的精英不斷地投入這個產業,造就更快速的變化,沒有人能預見未來會變成怎樣?即使未來的榮耀不一定屬於我們,伯森依然慶幸能與各位一同努力學習成長,一同見證歷史的發展。希望各界不吝指教,我們會繼續以專業熱忱及負責為首要工作態度,並期望各界能如同本公司的英文名字 BLOSSOM 一樣在各自領域中蓬勃發展。

About Blossom

Established in July 1998, Blossom Biotechnologies, Inc. is dedicated to bringing cutting-edge scientific technologies to Taiwan. With over 20 years of experience, we have built a strong reputation for providing high-quality products and services to our customers in the life science industry for research use only (RUO).

At Blossom Biotechnologies, Inc., we prioritize brands that can work closely with us and offer comprehensive solutions that address the needs of our customers. Over the years, we have established strong relationships with some of the most respected and innovative brands in the industry, including those focused on biotech and pharma R&D, such as Abcam, Enzo Life Sciences, Revvity, AnaSpec, ibidi, Mirus Bio, Navinci Diagnostics, ScienCell, PacBio, Vizgen, VWR (part of Avantor), BioChain, Eurogentec, Gene Tools, Jena Bioscience, and Hanna Instruments.

In addition to our select group of brands, we take pride in the excellency of our expertise in sales and supports. Our broad channels of distribution throughout different regions in Taiwan enable our customers to receive the products they need promptly. Our extensive network of partners and suppliers provides us with high-quality products and personalized support. Our team of experts is always available to provide guidance and support, ensuring our customers have access to the resources they require for their research.

By combining our expertise, resources, and dedication, we can help our customers achieve their research goals efficiently and effectively. Our commitment to customer satisfaction and excellence in the life science industry has earned us a strong reputation and loyal customer base in Taiwan.

As a key player in the scientific community in Taiwan, we are passionate about witnessing the growth in life science advancement in Taiwan. We take all comments and suggestions to heart and strive to build long-term partnerships with our customers by providing tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. Our ultimate goal is to help our customers advance their research and achieve their desired outcomes. We are excited to work together with you and prosper together, just like the name of our company - BLOSSOM.

Business Cooperation

If you have innovative solutions for life science research and would like to expand your reach to researchers in Taiwan's academia, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical industry, we invite you to contact us to explore opportunities for partnership and distribution.