F-actin 螢光染色實驗工具特輯
在絕大部分的真核細胞中,肌動蛋白 (Actin) 皆是含量最為豐富的一種蛋白質,在生物演化過程中被高度保留下來。根據其結構,肌動蛋白可區分為單體球狀肌動蛋白 (globular actin, G-actin)、以及由球狀肌動蛋白聚合而成的纖維形肌動蛋白 (filamentous actin, F-actin) 兩種型式。其中 F-actin 在細胞骨架 (cytoskeleton) 中扮演著極為重要的角色,了解 F-actin 在細胞內的表現量變化與分布,將有助於我們對細胞遷移、細胞形態、細胞附著、癌症治療等多方面研究的了解。
針對【固定細胞染色】以及【活細胞影像攝影】兩種常見的 F-actin 螢光染色實驗,伯森提供完整的實驗工具選擇,幫助您更高效便捷地取得優質細胞影像。
固定細胞染色:CytoPainter Phalloidin
Phalloidin 為一種帶有毒性的胜肽,具有與 F-actin 專一性結合的特性,「CytoPainter Phalloidin」為標定有螢光染料的 Phalloidin 試劑產品,能夠協助研究人員精確掌握細胞內 F-actin 的分布情形、了解 F-actin 表現量變化。
- 適用於多種樣本類型 — Fixed and permeabilized tissue sections、Adherent/Suspension cells 等。
- 螢光標定選擇多樣化 — FITC、Rhodamine、iFluor 405、iFluor 488、iFluor 555、iFluor 647 等。
- 兩種產品包裝型式 — [Kit] 內含 10 倍濃縮螢光染劑及稀釋液; [Reagent] 僅含 10 倍濃縮螢光染劑。

CytoPainter F-actin Staining Kit - Blue Fluorescence (ab112124). F-actin was stained with CytoPainter blue in mouse embryonic stem cell-differentiated embryoid bodies using ICC/IF. Image courtesy of Dr. Shaohua Li, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.

CytoPainter Phalloidin-iFluor 488 Reagent (ab176753). Actin filaments staining in HeLa cells. Actin filaments (green) were stained with CytoPainter Phalloidin-iFluor 488 reagent (ab176753); tubulin filaments were stained with a mouse anti-tubulin antibody/goat anti-mouse IgG (red). Nuclei were stained with Hoechst 33342.

CytoPainter Phalloidin-iFluor 647 Reagent (ab176759). Actin filaments staining in HeLa cells. Actin filaments (red) were stained with CytoPainter Phalloidin-iFluor 647 reagent (ab176759). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue).
Product Name |
Ex/Em |
Pack Size |
Cat. No. |
■ |
F-actin Staining Kit - Blue Fluorescence - Cytopainter |
350/450 |
500 tests |
ab112124 |
■ |
F-actin Staining Kit - Green Fluorescence - Cytopainter |
490/525 |
500 tests |
ab112125 |
■ |
F-actin Staining Kit - Orange Fluorescence - Cytopainter |
550/575 |
500 tests |
ab112126 |
■ |
F-actin Staining Kit - Red Fluorescence - Cytopainter |
594/610 |
500 tests |
ab112127 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 350 Reagent |
353/442 |
300 tests |
ab176751 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 405 Reagent |
400/421 |
300 tests |
ab176752 |
■ |
Phalloidin FITC Reagent |
492/518 |
300 tests |
ab235137 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 488 Reagent |
493/517 |
300 tests |
ab176753 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 514 Reagent |
520/547 |
300 tests |
ab176754 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 532 Reagent |
542/558 |
300 tests |
ab176755 |
■ |
Rhodamine Phalloidin Reagent |
546/575 |
300 tests |
ab235138 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 555 Reagent |
556/574 |
300 tests |
ab176756 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 594 Reagent |
590/618 |
300 tests |
ab176757 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 633 Reagent |
634/649 |
300 tests |
ab176758 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 647 Reagent |
650/665 |
300 tests |
ab176759 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 680 Reagent |
683/700 |
300 tests |
ab176760 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 700 Reagent |
692/708 |
300 tests |
ab176761 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 750 Reagent |
752/778 |
300 tests |
ab176762 |
■ |
Phalloidin-iFluor 790 Reagent |
787/808 |
300 tests |
ab176763 |
LifeAct 為長度僅有 17 個胺基酸的無毒胜肽,可專一性地與 F-actin 結合。藉由在細胞內表達標定有綠色螢光 (TagGFP2) 或紅色螢光 (TagRFP) 的 LifeAct,即可在顯微鏡下清晰地觀察到活細胞內 F-actin 的即時分布與表現量變化。
- 低干擾 — 相較其它顯色方法,對 F-actin 原有的組織架構及動態行為干擾性最低。
- 無毒性 — 不會影響細胞本身的正常生理功能。
- 款式多元 — 多種產品型式,便利科研人員根據細胞特性選擇最佳方案。
LifeAct Plasmids 為現成的 Plasmid,到貨後可馬上轉染細胞進行實驗!兩種 Promoters 選擇:(1). CMV - 可驅使基因大量表現; (2). CAG - 適合對外來基因大量表現較為敏感的細胞類型,例如淋巴球細胞或神經細胞。 |
LifeAct Viral Vectors (1). LifeAct Adenoviral Vectors - 適合難轉染的細胞使用,例如初代細胞或幹細胞; (2). LifeAct Lentiviral Vectors - 適合用來建立需要長期穩定表現 LifeAct 的細胞株。 |
LifeAct Stable HT-1080 Cell Line 為使用人類纖維肉瘤 HT1080 細胞建立的 LifeAct 穩定表現細胞株,可直接適用於各類影像或藥物分析實驗。 |

Restructuring of the Human Macrophage Cytoskeleton During Borreliae Uptake. Phagocytosis of borreliae by a primary human macrophage. Time-lapse movie of a confocal z-stack showing a primary human macrophage expressing RFP-LifeAct (red) internalizing several GFP-expressing spirochetes (green) with actin-rich cell protrusions. Sequence 41 min. Data by Dr. Mirko Himmel and Prof. Stefan Linder, PhD, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany.

Live Cell Imaging of Actin Dynamics in a Chemotactic Gradient. Live cell imaging of actin dynamics in a LifeAct-expressing primary dendritic mouse cell after the application of a chemotactic gradient.

F-Actin Visualization in a 3D Hydrogel Matrix. Z-stack of HT-1080 LifeAct-TagGFP2 cells in a 3D hydrogel environment.
Product Name |
Pack Size |
Cat. No. |
pCMV-LifeAct-TagGFP2: plasmid
20 µg
pCMV-LifeAct-TagRFP: plasmid |
20 µg |
IB-60102 |
pCAG-LifeAct-TagGFP2: plasmid |
20 µg |
IB-60106 |
pCAG-LifeAct-TagRFP: plasmid |
20 µg |
IB-60107 |
rAVCMV-LifeAct-TagGFP2: adenoviral vector |
1 x 10⁹ IU |
IB-60121 |
rAVCMV-LifeAct-TagRFP: adenoviral vector |
1 x 10⁹ IU |
IB-60122 |
rLVUbi-LifeAct-TagGFP2: lentiviral vector |
1 x 10⁶ TU |
IB-60141 |
rLVUbi-LifeAct-TagRFP: lentiviral vector |
1 x 10⁶ TU |
IB-60142 |
HT-1080 LifeAct-TagGFP2: HT-1080 cells expressing LifeAct-TagGFP2 |
5 x 10⁵ cells |
IB-40101 |