Multiplex IHC 驗證抗體特輯
從臨床試驗到 IVD 應用,解鎖 Multiplex IHC 的價值與挑戰
組織病理染色技術已從最早期的 H&E 形態染色,進展到能對組織中單一生物標記 (Biomarker) 進行原位檢測的免疫組織化學染色 (immunohistochemistry, IHC),再發展到組織多重染色 (Multiplex IHC,以下簡稱 mIHC)。組織多重染色技術能幫助我們更深入了解組織樣本中細胞群體之間的作用關係、分析樣本的異質性、以及篩選生物標記組合,同時也是了解腫瘤微環境 (tumor microenvironment, TME) 與評估抗藥性極為有用的線索之一。隨著 mIHC 技術的逐漸成熟,我們不禁要問:
- mIHC 技術最終是否能夠真正地由研究走向臨床?
- mIHC 技術如何助力藥物研發的臨床試驗?
- 如何克服挑戰,將 mIHC 應用於體外診斷 (in vitro diagnostic, IVD) 方法的開發?
- 怎樣確保 mIHC 實驗的成功?
針對以上問題,Abcam 特別邀請到四位 mIHC 領域專家分享他們的經驗與見解,您可以在下個章節了解〈線上講座〉的細節與觀看錄製影片。文末我們將提供適用於組織多重染色的【IHC 驗證抗體】產品資訊以及相關資源。若您對演講內容或抗體產品有任何疑問,歡迎洽詢 Abcam 台灣代理伯森生技。
Will Howat
Senior Director of Antibody Validation & Characterization Abcam
mIHC 對於臨床試驗乃至 IVD 應用的價值
The value of using mIHC for clinical trials through to IVD applications
Angela Vasaturo
Associate Director of Biomarker Strategy and Applications Ultivue
解鎖 mIHC 的真正價值——從臨床試驗項目到 IVD 應用
Unlocking the True Value of Multiplexing IHC – From Clinical Trial Programs Through to IVD Applications
Oliver Stoss
Chief Executive Officer Targos Inc.
從研究到臨床應用,將 multiplex IF 應用到臨床試驗
From research to clinical utility – Moving multiplex IF into clinical trials
Keith Wharton
VP Medical Director Ultivue
Q&A 協同參與
點擊圖片觀看線上演講錄製影片 (填寫資本資料後即可觀看)
mIHC 一級抗體熱門品項
mIHC 小包裝抗體組合包
產品名稱 |
產品貨號 |
PD-L1 / PD1 Multiplex IHC-IF Antibody Panel (PD-L1, PD1, CD68, CD3, Ki67, panCK) 內容物: - Recombinant PD1 antibody [CAL20] ab237728 (50 µl) - Recombinant PD-L1 antibody [CAL10] ab237726 (50 µl) - Recombinant CD68 antibody [SP251] ab192847 - Macrophage marker (50 µl) - CD3 antibody [SP7] ab16669 - T cell marker (50 µl) - Recombinant Ki67 antibody [SP6] ab16667 - Proliferation marker (50 µl) - Pan-cytokeratin antibody [C-11] ab7753 - Epithelial tissue marker (50 µg) |
ab269812 |
7 color IHC-IF multiplex image on FFPE tonsil using 6-plex PD-L1 / PD1 Multiplex IHC-IF Antibody Panel (PD-L1, PD1, CD68, CD3, Ki67, panCK) (ab269812). PD1 [CAL20] ab237728 (orange), PD-L1 [CAL10] ab237726 (green), CD68 [SP251] ab192847 (yellow), CD3 [SP7] ab16669 (red), Ki67 [SP6] ab16667 (light blue), and mouse monoclonal PanCK [C-11] ab7753 (grey) and DAPI nuclear counterstain (dark blue). Image acquired with a Vectra® Polaris™ Automated Quantitative Pathology Imaging System.
Daniela Quail
Assistant Professor Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute McGill University
When we perform IMC™, we want to ensure we can get the exact same quality of antibodies for every experiment, so we don’t have to optimize and validate our antibody batches again and again.
If we run out of antibody, we don’t want to have to go back to the drawing board and start everything from scratch, it just wastes time. We’ve tested hundreds of antibodies so far, and the Abcam carrier-free recombinant antibodies have been the most reliable for us. These antibodies consistently have a really high percentage of recovery after metal conjugation.
完整產品資訊與最新活動訊息,歡迎洽詢 Abcam 台灣代理伯森生技。您可透過下方連結瀏覽更多相關資訊:
伯森生物科技(股)公司 Blossom Biotechnologies, Inc.
網址 www.blossombio.com 客服 0800-059668
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