Cellendes 是一家專注於提供可控式 3D 細胞培養環境方案的生命科學公司,其獨特的「3-D Life 水凝膠系統 (3-D Life Biomimetic Hydrogel System)」是由兩種聚合物所組成,具有生成快速、操作簡單、對細胞無毒性…等多重優勢,已廣泛應用於基礎研究、藥物開發與生物醫學工程中(近期文獻)。
3-D Life 水凝膠特色
- 成分組成透明清楚 (defined composition),非動物來源
- 細胞回收步驟簡單,且無細胞毒性
- 可依需求自行在 3D 培養基上接上感興趣的分子(例如 RGD peptide 或特定蛋白),其分子濃度最高可達 5 mmol/L
- 可自行調整膠體的堅硬度/柔軟度 (stiffness)
- 操作容易迅速,不須特定設備即可完成
- 應用實驗包含:3D 細胞培養、細胞遷移試驗 (Migration assay)、細胞機械轉導研究 (Mechanotransduction)、Tumor-on-chip models、Single cell or cell aggregates encapsulation…
Technology of 3-D Life Biomimetic Hydrogel System. The 3-D Life system consists of two polymers that form biomimetic hydrogels used in 3-D cell culture by covalent crosslinking at ambient temperature. The chemical reaction is non-toxic to cells and occurs rapidly, preventing cell settlement before the gel is formed. The setup of hydrogels is very simple and does not require specific equipment or cell-harming treatments. Biomimetic modifications (e.g. covalent attachment of adhesion peptides) can be performed right before gelation occurs. The modular system makes it easy to modify gels with biomimetic factors as desired for each experiment.
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