產品介紹細胞培養與分析細胞增生與毒殺試驗DELFIA Cell Proliferation Kit

DELFIA Cell Proliferation Kit

全新改版的 DELFIA Cell Proliferation Kit 採用「新款 Eu-labeled Anti-BrdU 抗體」,不但訊號-背景比值增加為舊款產品的 3 倍,抗體也由原本的粉末狀改為更加方便使用的液態型式,讓產品性能與操作便利度同時向上提升!DELFIA Cell Proliferation Kit 產品特點包含:

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Assay Principle of DELFIA Cell Proliferation Kit. The DELFIA cell proliferation assay is a time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay based on the incorporation of BrdU into newly synthesized DNA strands of proliferating cells cultured in microliter plates. Incorporated BrdU is detected using a europium labelled monoclonal antibody. To allow antibody detection cells are fixed and DNA denatured using Fix Solution. Unbound antibody is washed away and DELFIA Inducer is added to dissociate europium ions from the labelled antibody into solution, where they form highly fluorescent chelates with components of the DELFIA Inducer. The fluorescence measured is proportional to the DNA synthesis in the cell population of each well.


Product Name Pack Size Cat. No.
DELFIA Cell Proliferation Kit 10 x 96 wells PK-AD0200