產品介紹細胞培養與分析細胞增生與毒殺試驗LDH Assay Kit (Cytotoxicity)

LDH Assay Kit (Cytotoxicity)

乳酸脫氫酶 (lactate dehydrogenase, LDH) 是一種在所有細胞中都穩定表現的酵素,當細胞因毒殺作用造成細胞膜受損破裂時,原本存在於細胞質內的 LDH 即會被釋放到細胞培養液中。由免疫試劑龍頭 Abcam 所開發的「LDH Assay Kit (Cytotoxicity) (ab65393)」即是利用能夠被 LDH 還原為黃色產物的 WST 呈色劑來檢測培養液中的 LDH 含量,進而推估出細胞的死亡率。本產品具有以下優勢特點:

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Comparison of WST-1 and INT based LDH assays. 3T3 cells were cultured in a 96-well plate in 100 µl of culture medium. The LDH assay was performed using 10 µl of culture medium using WST-1 (Orange bar) and INT (Green bar) methods. The WST-1 based LDH assay is more stable and sensitive than the INT based method.


Product Name Pack Size Cat. No.
LDH Assay Kit (Cytotoxicity) 500 tests
10000 tests