Lite™ 系列報導基因偵測套組
覺得您的 Luciferase 報導基因實驗耗時繁瑣、數據不佳嗎?特別推薦由新藥研發技術領導品牌 Revvity 設計開發的【Lite™ 系列報導基因偵測套組】,在維持高靈敏度的同時還更穩定、簡便、超值,讓實驗效率再升級!Lite™ 系列產品優勢包含:
- 不含 DTT,操作安全,無惱人氣味。
- 穩定性佳,短期內使用可於 4°C 保存,不影響性能。
- 步驟簡單、不用 Wash,僅需混合試劑待反應後即可讀盤。
- 96-, 384-, 1536-well 皆可適用,可用於高通量篩選實驗 (high throughput screening)。
twinlite™ glow |
twinlite™ | sensilite™ | britelite™ plus |
neolite™ | steadylite plus™ |
偵測目標 | Firefly & Renilla luciferase |
Firefly & Renilla luciferase |
Firefly luciferase |
Firefly luciferase |
Firefly luciferase |
Firefly luciferase |
訊號靈敏度 | Ultra High | Ultra High | Ultra High | Very High | High | Moderate |
訊號半衰期 (小時) | >2.5 | Flash | Flash | 0.5 | 2.5 | 5 |
實驗流程 | 三個步驟 | 三個步驟 | 兩個步驟 | 單一步驟 | 單一步驟 | 單一步驟 |
Firefly luciferase 和 Renilla luciferase 發光反應機制

Firefly luciferase from the North American firefly (Photinus pyralis) catalyzes the oxidation of the fireflyspecific substrate D-luciferin to produce light. Light emission results from multi-step reactions. The initial reversible reaction step is the activation of D-luciferin in the presence of ATP, Mg2+ and luciferase enzyme which leads to enzyme bound adenyl-luciferin with the elimination of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi). Subsequent reaction steps involve the oxidation of adenyl-luciferin with molecular oxygen via adenyl-oxyluciferin to yield AMP, CO2 and oxyluciferin. The oxyluciferin is generated in an electronically excited state which emits light upon transition to the ground state. Renilla luciferase catalyzes the oxidation of the substrate coelenterazine (coelenterate luciferin) to produce light. However, unlike the firefly reaction, Renilla luciferase luminescence does not require ATP or magnesium.
比較 britelite plus、neolite 和 steadylite plus 三款產品的冷光訊號,其中 britelite plus 訊號最強但也衰減最快、neolite 強度中等且相對穩定、而 steadylite plus 訊號最弱但也最為穩定

與他牌產品相比,twinlite™ glow 冷光強度更強,並且具有長達 2.5 小時以上的訊號半衰期

Product Name | Pack Size* | Cat. No. |
twinlite glow | 100 assays | PK-6016796 |
1000 assays | PK-6016799 | |
twinlite | 100 assays | PK-6066706 |
1000 assays | PK-6066709 | |
sensilite | 100 assays | PK-6066726 |
1000 assays | PK-6066729 | |
britelite plus | 100 assays | PK-6066766 |
1000 assays | PK-6066761 | |
10000 assays | PK-6066769 | |
neolite | 100 assays | PK-6016716 |
1000 assays | PK-6016711 | |
10000 assays | PK-6016719 | |
steadylite plus | 100 assays | PK-6066756 |
1000 assays | PK-6066751 | |
10000 assays | PK-6066759 |
*Assay number is based on 96-well microplate.