Novoprotein 致力於開發生命科學領域所需之原料,專精於重組蛋白質表現和 mRNA 合成等項目,其多年的研發和 GMP 製程經驗,使其成為全球 mRNA 疫苗開發、蛋白質交互作用 (protein-protein interaction) 等生物醫藥產業和學術科研團隊的信賴夥伴!請點擊下方連結了解 Novoprotein 各項產品與客製化服務。完整產品資訊與技術支援,歡迎洽詢伯森業務專員。
- Products
- mRNA Vaccine & Drug Enzymes
- GMP-Grade Cytokines/Antibodies
- Organoid Culture Cytokiness
- Recombinant Proteins
- Services
- mRNA Synthesis Custom Service
- Vaccine Development Technology Service Platform
- Protein Expression and Purification Service
- Antibody Service
- Industrial Strain and Process Development Service
- Stable Cell Line Service
- Virus-Like Particle (VLP) Protein Service
- Protein Crystallization Service
- Protein Modification and Labeling Service