產品介紹核酸定序與空間基因體學Revio™ 高精準長讀取定序系統 (Revio™ Long-Read Sequencing System)

Revio™ 高精準長讀取定序系統

Revio™ 高精準長讀取定序系統

想要擁有既長又準的基因定序結果,卻擔心定序成本高不可攀嗎?PacBio 公司於 2022 年底全新推出的「Revio 長讀取定序系統」幫助您實現高通量、高效率與高性價比的基因定序,讓您獲得更豐富全面的基因資訊!

更多詳細資訊歡迎洽詢 PacBio 台灣代理伯森生技

Revio 系統的定序通量比 Sequel IIe 系統提高了 15 倍,相當於每年可完成 1,300 個人類全基因體定序

  Revio system Sequel IIe system Increase
Higher density 25 million ZMW 8 million ZMWM
Independent stages 4 1
Shorter run times 24 hrs 30 hrs 1.25×
30× HiFi human genomes/year 88 1,300 15× overall

Revio 系統具有與 Sequel IIe 系統近似甚至更佳的基因序列變異檢測能力

HiFi sequencing on the Revio system delivers high accuracy for all variants types, matching the precisionFDA-winning accuracy of the Sequel IIe system. Data shown is for a single Revio SMRT Cell for HG002/GM24385.

Revio 系統與其他定序技術平台比較表

  Revio (HiFi sequencing) SBS sequencing Nanopore sequencing
Read length 15–20 kb 2x150 bp 10–100 kb
Read accuracy 99.95% (Q33) 99.92% (Q31) 99.26% (Q21)
Run time 24 hours 44 hours 72 hours
Yield 90 Gb 2,400–3,000 Gb 50–110 Gb
Variant calling — SNVs
Variant calling — indels  
Variant calling — SVs  
5mC methylation  


Sequencing specifications
Library 15–20 kb
Run time 24 hours *Run time specification is for the sequencing reaction.
HiFi yield 1 SMRT Cell: 90 Gb
4 SMRT Cells: 360 Gb
*HiFi yield specification based on HG002/GM24385 human DNA extracted with Nanobind CBB kit and prepared with SMRTbell prep kit 3.0. HiFi yield is dependent on library fragment size. Yield is typically lower for shorter libraries.
Base quality 90% Q30+
Methylation 5mC at CpG sites
Application performance
Throughput Per Revio SMRT Cell
  • Human genome: 1
  • Single-cell transcriptome: 1
  • Large gene panel (20 Mb): 12
Per year
  • Human genome: 1,300
  • Single-cell transcriptome: 1,300
  • Large gene panel (20 Mb): 15,600
Expected coverage
  • Human genome: 30×
  • Single-cell transcriptome: 80 million reads
  • Large gene panel (20 Mb): 90% target positions ≥10×
Instrument specifications
Operating environment
  • Temperature: 19–25°C
  • Humidity: 20–80% relative humidity, non-condensing
  • Ventilation: 13,000 BTU/hr (3,800 W)
  • W × D × H: 92.7 cm × 91.4 cm × 174.5 cm
  • Weight: 465 kg
  • Floor space: 243.8 cm × 138.5 cm
Electrical power 200–240 VAC at 50-60 Hz, max 5 kVA/4.8 kW/24A
  • Network connection: 1 GbE or 10 GbE, copper
  • Output file format: hifi_reads.bam, ≈55 GB each, up to 72 TB per year