Salt Active Nuclease (SAN)
- 非專一性內切酵素 (endonuclease),可用於移除細胞萃取物或蛋白質樣本中的核酸干擾物 (包含 DNA 和 RNA),以降低樣本黏稠度,方便下游蛋白質純化的進行。
- 耐高鹽環境,於 0.5M NaCl 的作用環境下仍可維持最佳效果,適用於高鹽洗脫的層析純化樣本。
- 於5–40°C 溫度範圍內皆具良好活性。
- 對於常見添加劑 (例如 Imidazole, Glycerol, Triton X-100…) 耐受性高。
Addition of salt leads to DNA dissociation from proteins, making it available for degradation by the highly active SAN. To enhance dissociation of DNA from proteins, making DNA available for degradation, adjust the concentration of NaCl to 0.5 M and incubate at 4°C overnight. Then add SAN and incubate at 25°C for 30 minutes. The amount of SAN needed will depend on the extract composition as well as incubation time and temperature, but is commonly between 50-1000 U/ml. The removal of DNA from the extract should be verified using agarose gel electrophoresis.
Product Name | Pack Size | Cat. No. |
SAN HQ (Salt Active Nuclease High Quality) | 25 KU | AZ-70920-202 |