產品介紹實驗室儀器設備幫浦ibidi 流體環境細胞培養用氣動式幫浦 (ibidi Pump System)

ibidi 流體環境細胞培養用氣動式幫浦

ibidi 流體環境細胞培養用氣動式幫浦 (ibidi Pump System) - ibidi 台灣獨家代理伯森生技

想要在流體環境中進行長時間細胞培養、加藥檢測、同時擷取高品質的細胞影像嗎?別錯過德國 ibidi 公司集結多位細胞灌注 (perfusion assays) 實驗專家智慧與經驗所打造的夢幻機台「ibidi Pump System」。ibidi Pump System 能夠在體外模擬心血管等流體環境,便於科學家們以更貼近生理條件的形式培養細胞。產品特點包含:

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Fig. 1 | Cell culture under flow simulates shear stress-dependent cellular changes and induces a more physiological, in vivo-like behavior. Different arrangement of HPMECs after 72 hours of static (left) and flow culture (right) at 2.3 dym/cm². Image key: β-actin (Green), VE-cadherin (red). Data by Daniel Bourquain, Robert Koch Institut, Berlin, Germany.


Fig. 2 | ibidi Pump System generates minimal mechanical stress. The graph shows the degree of activation of suspended dendritic cells, in different pump systems, under identical flow rate and shear stress. In peristaltic pumps, tubes and suspended cells are mechanically squeezed. This technique leads to increased nonspecific activation of cells. The ibidi Pump System works with air pressure and reduces mechanical stress to a minimum. The nonspecific activation of suspension cells is suppressed.


Product Name Cat. No.
ibidi Pump System
Includes: ibidi Pump, Notebook with PumpControl software, Fluidic Unit, and Perfusion Set
ibidi Pump System 系統組件