產品介紹核酸定序與空間基因體學次世代多工建庫 (purePlex™ DNA Library Prep Kit)

purePlex DNA Library Prep Kit


速度,高效, auto-normalization 結合 Unique Dual Indexes (UDI)

更多詳細資訊歡迎洽詢 seqWell 台灣代理伯森生技

Streamlined Workflow

3、5、10 和 30 ng的DNA樣本,分別進行有 (+) 和無 (-) Normalization Reagent的 purePlex 建庫處理。 使用Normalization Reagent時,每個樣本的讀數一致;未使用Normalization Reagent時,讀數隨DNA 樣本量變化。
Better coverage than competing kits due to lower GC Bias


purePlex™ Specs
Sample Types

Microbial gDNA, amplicons (multiplexed and clonal), plasmids, BAC, cosmid, fosmid, viral, low-pass

human / plant / animal

DNA Input Recommended 5 – 50ng
Number of Unique Index Combinations 384
Supported Paired Reads (Clusters) / Sample ≤ 20 million
Output Fragment Range 400 – 1,200bp
Applications Synthetic construct sequencing (amplicons, plasmids, etc.), Low-pass whole genome sequencing, Whole small genome sequencing (<50 Mb), scRNA-seq, Metagenomics / Microbiome screening
Reactions per Kit 96


Product Total sample Index Cat. No.
purePlex™ DNA Library Prep Kit set 1 96 UDI 301067
purePlex™ DNA Library Prep Kit set 2 96 UDI 301068
purePlex™ DNA Library Prep Kit set 3 96 UDI 301069
purePlex™ DNA Library Prep Kit set 4 96 UDI 301070