產品介紹細胞培養與分析細胞培養耗材細胞培養暨影像觀察兩用玻片/皿µ-Slide 8 Well high Bioinert

µ-Slide 8 Well high Bioinert

µ-Slide 8 Well high Bioinert - ibidi 台灣獨家代理伯森生技

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Bioinert 系列產品底部完全不具附著性,特別適合 Spheroids, Organoids, Embryoid bodies 的 3D 細胞培養實驗

Spheroids of different cell lines were generated by the liquid overlay method and transferred to the Bioinert surface for FDA/PI staining and live cell imaging. FDA (green) indicates living cells at the outer spheroid layers. PI (red) marks dead cells within the necrotic spheroid center. Note the different spheroid morphology, which depends on the cell type. Microscope: Nikon Eclipse Ti, 4x objective lens.

底部厚度符合 #1.5 蓋玻片,影像清晰精確

High resolution confocal microscopy on the Bioinert surface. Confocal laser scanning microscopy projection of an HT-1080 LifeAct spheroid. The colors indicate the distance from the surface. Warm colors = close to the surface, cold colors = distant from the surface.


Outer dimensions W25.5 x L75.5 mm
Number of wells 8
Dimensions of wells W9.4 x L10.7 x H9.3 mm
Volume per well 300 µl
Total height with lid 10.8 mm
Growth area per well 1.0 cm²
Coating area per well 2.2 cm²
Bottom ibidi Polymer Coverslip with Bioinert surface
Bioinert Surface thickness 200 nm
Bioinert Surface material Polyol-based hydrogel
Protein coatings Not possible


Product Name Surface Pack Size Cat. No.
µ-Slide 8 Well high Bioinert Bioinert: #1.5 polymer coverslip, surface passivation with Bioinert, sterilized 15 IB-80800