【PacBio RNA 定序技術講座】Harnessing the Power of PacBio HiFi & Kinnex Applications

PacBio RNA 定序技術講座

Harnessing the Power of PacBio HiFi & Kinnex Applications



PacBio HiFi 定序結合了高準確度長讀取能力動力學資訊均勻覆蓋等多重優勢,使其成為當前市場上最獨一無二的定序技術平台,於多項國際大型基因體計畫均作出重要貢獻,累積文獻超過 6000 多篇,其中不乏《Cell》、《Nature》、《Science》等頂尖期刊論文。本場演講特別邀請到 PacBio 資深專家分享 HiFi 定序於「RNA 全長定序」以及「單細胞 RNA 定序」的最新技術進展與應用實例,以深入淺出的方式帶領您了解 HiFi 定序如何超越其他 RNA 定序技術的效率與準度,協助用戶取得高解析度的轉錄體圖譜,在單細胞或多細胞 RNA 定序研究中暢行無阻。內容實用豐富,歡迎踴躍參加。活動諮詢請洽 PacBio 台灣代理伯森生技

The combination of high accuracy, long read length, kinetic information and evenness of coverage makes PacBio HiFi long read sequencing a unique sequencing technology platform, providing best-in-class performance in de novo WGS, calling all variant types, long-range allelic phasing, 5mC methylation detection, full-length transcriptome analysis (including single cell transcriptomics) and many other applications.

This technology is poised to set the standard for genomics research where comprehensive detection of all variant type, ascertainment of splicing isoforms in full length is a must. Highlights of application examples and opportunities leveraging these features for plant and animal, human genomic researches and associated computational solutions will be presented. Specifically the recently launched Kinnex full-length RNA sequencing and Kinnex single-cell RNA sequencing that enabled the high throughput full-length transcript analysis at the bulk and single-cell level, respectively, will be the main focus of this presentation.




Dr.  Zuwei Qian 錢祖衛

Dr. Zuwei Qian 錢祖衛

Director of Bioinformatics Applications, APAC Region, PacBio

Dr. Mei-Yeh Lu 呂美曄

Dr. Mei-Yeh Lu 呂美曄

Genomics Core Manager, 中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心新世代基因體定序核心實驗室


時間:2024年5月7日(二) 10:00–12:00
地點:中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心 跨領域科技研究大樓 1 樓演講廳


  • 主辦單位:中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心新世代基因體定序核心實驗室
  • 合辦單位:PacBio、伯森生技


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