[實際案例分享] 使用 Naveni® PLA 技術探索神經科學的奧秘

使用 Naveni® PLA 技術

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由瑞典 Navinci 公司所開發的「Naveni® 技術產品」能以簡易的操作方式提供優異的蛋白質-蛋白質交互作用檢測精度,讓研究人員在顯微鏡下直接觀察到特定蛋白質交互作用的強度與位置。目前 Naveni® 已參與眾多神經科學研究,以下就分享幾個來自法國格勒諾布爾阿爾卑斯大學、美國匹茲堡大學醫學院、西班牙馬拉加大學醫學院以及瑞典卡羅琳醫學院等研究機構的實際使用案例。


案例一 法國格勒諾布爾阿爾卑斯大學 Hélène Vitet 等人利用 Naveni® 技術證明亨丁頓蛋白 (HTT) 和 KIF1A 蛋白之間存在有交互作用,在此之前這種蛋白質交互作用仍未被證實過。研究人員發現,相較於野生型 (WT),表達有持續磷酸化 HTT 蛋白 (HTT-SD) 的神經元明顯表現出更高數量的 HTT-KIF1A 交互作用,此交互作用會促使突觸小泡聚集在突觸,進而增加突觸小泡被釋放的機會。這項發現揭示了調節突觸傳導和運動技能學習的關鍵途徑 [1]。

Naveni® Proximity Ligation Assay was used to confirm the cellulo interaction between HTT and KIF1A. IMAGE © Vitet H, et al. Elife. 2023 Jul 11;12:e81011. Fig. 5D.

案例二 美國匹茲堡大學醫學院的 Madeline M. Ross 和 Elias Aizenman 則是利用 Naveni® 技術來研究 AMPA 受體和突觸構造蛋白 Shank3 之間的動態交互作用。Shank3 是突觸結構的主要調節因子,能調節突觸受體密度進而影響突觸強度;其基因變異與泛自閉症障礙 (ASD) 具有高度相關性。研究人員透過 Naveni® 技術發現,由鉀離子升高引起的慢性神經元去極化,會導致 Shank3 與 AMPA 受體次單元 GluA1 的交互作用減少,揭示了神經元活動對此關鍵突觸交互作用的調節能力 [2]。

Representative image of Naveni® Proximity Ligation Assay between GluA1 and Shank3 under control conditions. Neuronal morphology is shown with Map2 immunofluorescence (green), and interactions in red. For more images see Ross MM, Aizenman E. Neurosci Lett. 2023 Jul 13;809:137305.

案例三 西班牙馬拉加大學醫學院的 Estela Díaz-Sánchez 和瑞典卡羅琳醫學院 Rasiel Beltran-Casanueva 等人則是使用 Naveni® 技術來評量各種藥物對於 NPY1R 與 GALR2 這兩種受體交互作用的影響性。他們的研究揭示了 NPY1R-GALR2 交互作用對於記憶與認知功能的重要性,也意味者我們將可以通過 Naveni® 技術平台找尋重度憂鬱症 (MDD)、焦慮症、神經退化性疾病等神經相關疾病的潛力治療藥物 [3, 4]。

Demonstration of Y1R-GALR2 heteroreceptor complexes by in situ PLA on medial prefrontal cortex region. The in situ PLA Technology enables visualization of protein-protein interaction using one primary antibody for each target protein (a) The diagram shows on the left the experimental procedures for the in situ PLA Technology. Briefly, two primary antibodies bind to their target epitopes and secondary antibodies are conjugated to oligonucleotide arms. Only if they are in close proximity the oligos can generate a DNA circle, amplified by a polymerase, and detected by fluorescent labeled probes generating fluorescence dots. On the right is illustrated the presence of positive red PLA signals (red circles) mainly in the medial prefrontal cortex region. Blue-filled circles indicate a negative PLA signal in the corpus callosum (CC) (Bregma: 3.2 mm; according to the Paxinos and Watson (2006) stereotaxic atlas). (b) Quantification of PLA signals in the medial prefrontal cortex was performed by measuring red PLA positive blobs per nucleus per sampled field by an experimenter blind to treatment conditions. This effect was blocked by treatment with the GALR2 antagonist M871. *P < 0.05 vs the rest of the groups according to one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc test (n = 6 in each group). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. (c,d) Representative microphotographs of the significant decrease in the density of Y1R-GALR2 heteroreceptor complexes (PLA clusters) after M1145 and Y1R agonists treatment (d) compared with the control group (c). Receptor complexes are shown as red PLA blobs (clusters, indicated by white arrows) found in medial prefrontal cortex region using confocal laser microscopy. The nuclei are shown in blue by DAPI staining. Abbreviations: Control = Distilled water; M1145 = Galanin 2 receptor agonist 132 µg; Y1R = Y1R receptor agonist [Leu31-Pro34]NPY 132 µg; M1145 + Y1R = Coadministration of M1145 and Y1R; M1145 + Y1R +M871 = Co-administration of M1145, Y1R and GALR2 antagonist M871 132 µg. IMAGE © Díaz-Sánchez E, et al. Biomed Pharmacother. 2023 May;161:114433. Fig. 2.

Naveni ® 技術原理與優勢

技術原理 Naveni® 是基於原位鄰近連接技術 (in situ proximity ligation technology) 所開發的新一代 PLA 檢測技術。其蛋白質交互作用偵測原理是利用鍵結有專利 Oligo (UnFold probe) 的 Naveni 二級抗體【Navenibody】辨識標靶蛋白質的一級抗體,唯有在兩個 Navenibodies 間的距離靠得夠近時(例如發生蛋白質交互作用)才會產生有效的訊號放大反應。

The Naveni® in situ proximity ligation technology pushes the boundaries of fluorescence-based in situ methodology, enabling researchers to get the maximum information from every analysis by visualizing and quantifying proteins, their interactions and modifications, in situ at the molecular level.

優勢特點 Naveni® 技術具有放大訊號、減少非專一性雜訊的特性,即使是低表現量的蛋白質也能偵測得到,解決了傳統蛋白質交互作用實驗中 Co-IP 靈敏度差、裂解液 Detergent 成分影響蛋白結構、以及一般細胞/組織共染色容易有偽陽性訊號…等缺點。目前已開發出一系列適用於細胞或組織樣本的原位蛋白質交互作用蛋白質轉譯後修飾的專一性檢測試劑。

若您有興趣進一步了解如何利用 Naveni® 技術的敏感性、專一性與視覺化特性,協助您深入探索神經科學的奧秘,歡迎與我們聯繫,將有專人提供詳盡資訊與技術支援。您可透過下方連結瀏覽更多相關資訊:


  1. Vitet H, et al. Huntingtin recruits KIF1A to transport synaptic vesicle precursors along the mouse axon to support synaptic transmission and motor skill learning. Elife. 2023 Jul 11;12:e81011. PMID: 37431882
  2. Ross MM, Aizenman E. GluA1-Shank3 interaction decreases in response to chronic neuronal depolarization. Neurosci Lett. 2023 Jul 13;809:137305. PMID: 37210067
  3. Díaz-Sánchez E, et al. Decreased medial prefrontal cortex activity related to impaired novel object preference task performance following GALR2 and Y1R agonists intranasal infusion. Biomed Pharmacother. 2023 May;161:114433. PMID: 36848750
  4. Beltran-Casanueva R, et al. Neuropeptide Y receptor 1 and galanin receptor 2 (NPY1R-GALR2) interactions in the dentate gyrus and their relevance for neurogenesis and cognition. Front Cell Neurosci. 2024 Feb 14;18:1323986. PMID: 38425430
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