根據衛生福利部公布的最新統計報告,惡性腫瘤(癌症)已連續 42 年蟬聯國人死因榜首,是國民健康的一大威脅。身為台灣科研社群的一份子,伯森生技特別邀請空間基因體學技術先驅 Vizgen 公司合作設立【癌症空間基因體學研究資助計畫 (2024 MERSCOPE Cancer Grant Program)】,為推動台灣癌症研究盡一份棉薄之力。
只要您在台灣從事癌症研究工作(PI、助理、學生…)即可申請參加本資助計畫。報名時需在報名表中提供 300 字以內的研究提案,陳述如何藉由空間基因體學數據拓展您的研究深度與廣度,為癌症診斷或治療帶來助益!本計畫將選出 1 個研究專案進行資助,得獎者將可免費獲得 MERSCOPE™ 平台分析服務,並可自由選擇使用 PanCancer Pathways Panel (將獲得多達 500 種癌症訊息傳導相關基因的定位與表現量資訊)或 Immuno-Oncology Panel (將獲得多達 500 種癌症免疫療法相關基因的定位與表現量資訊)進行檢測,至多可資助 2 個 FFPE 組織切片樣本的 MERSCOPE 分析實驗。
- 申請報名時間:2024/10/1(二) 09:00 ~ 2024/11/29(五) 17:00。
- 得獎者通知時間與回應期限:2025/1/3(五) 17:00 前,伯森將以 Email 方式通知得獎者。若得獎者未能在 2025/1/10(五) 17:00 前回應並同意接受本資助計畫,將失去得獎資格。此時伯森將酌情選出候補得獎者。
- 測試樣本製備期限:得獎者需於 30 個工作天內依照伯森所提供的指引製備打包好符合 MERSCOPE 平台檢測標準的樣本,並通知伯森領取樣本包裹。
- 所有在台灣從事癌症研究工作的人員(PI、助理、學生…)均可於報名時間內透過〈線上報名表〉申請參加本資助計畫。
- 申請者需在線上報名表中提供以英文撰寫的研究提案(300 字以內)。
- 本活動將選出 1 個研究專案進行資助。得獎者可獲得免費 MERSCOPE™ 平台分析服務,並使用得獎者指定的基因 Panel (PanCancer Pathways Panel、Immuno-Oncology Panel 二者擇一)進行檢測,至多可資助 2 個 FFPE 組織切片樣本的 MERSCOPE 分析實驗。
- 伯森將提供得獎者樣本製備與品質驗證指引,並承擔樣本運送費用。得獎者則需依照所提供的指引完成樣本製備與品質驗證。若樣本品質不符合 MERSCOPE 平台分析標準,將中斷執行資助計畫。除此之外,得獎者需提供 10TB 以上外接硬碟以便收取實驗數據。
- 凡參加本活動者即視同已詳閱並同意本活動辦法之各項規定。如有未盡事宜,伯森生物科技(股)公司與 Vizgen 公司得不經通知隨時補充、修改,並保有解釋及變更之權利。
Grant Program Inclusion
How to apply
Grant program sample qualification and costs
Data transfer
Winner selection and announcement
Privacy, Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
- Successful applicants name, biographical information, likeness, the name of the applicant’s institution or company, and the project title (excluding further project details) may, without further compensation, be published on Blossom and Vizgen’s website(s) and at Blossom and Vizgen’s discretion, through social media. By accepting the prize, each winner grants to Blossom and Vizgen, on behalf of the winner and the winner’s institution or company, the right, at any time and from time to time, to print, publish, broadcast, and use, worldwide and in any media now known or hereafter developed (including, but not limited to, social media, the Internet, and the world wide web), the winning applicant’s name, biographical information (if provided by the applicant), image or likeness, the name of the winning applicant’s institution or company, and the project title (excluding further project details).
- Applicants agree to be contacted with regards products and services offered, regardless of whether the application is successful or not.
Specific content of all applications will be treated as Confidential
Blossom and Vizgen are not responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may result from participation in or awarding of this program. Blossom and Vizgen are not responsible for any loss, delay, theft, illegal, inaccurate, delayed or misrepresented items or anything caused by computer, internet, email, telephone or technical malfunctions.
The successful applicant agrees to present the results from the proposed study in one or more publications. Blossom and Vizgen will have the right to review the data together with the scientists. If the applicant does not publish the results within 4 months of receiving the data, Blossom and Vizgen may decide to use the results to create marketing materials based on the joint review. Additionally, the winning applicant will (a) present the results in a joint forum co-hosted by Blossom and Vizgen at a date and time to be determined. It is expected that the results of these studies will lead ultimately to high-profile publications and be presented at international conferences, (b) provide Blossom and Vizgen with a copy of any publication that uses data supplied by Blossom not less than 30 days prior to the date of publication, and (c) acknowledge Blossom contribution to the generation of the data in such publication. The applicant acknowledges that the data supplied by Blossom is experimental in nature and uses such data at the applicant’s own risk. Blossom total liability to the successful applicant in relation to the grant program shall be limited to the amount of fees paid by the applicant to Blossom.
Blossom and Vizgen reserve the right to suspend, modify, cancel or terminate the program without prior notice if it deems it to impair the legality or fairness of the program.
The contents of this program are subject to change due to Blossom or Vizgen circumstances.