產品介紹細胞培養與分析細胞增生與毒殺試驗ATPlite & ATPlite 1step

ATPlite & ATPlite 1step

ATPlite & ATPlite 1step for Cytotoxicity and Cell Proliferation AssaysATP 可視為是細胞代謝活性的指標分子,當存活的細胞數目越多時,細胞內的 ATP 含量也就越高;相反地當細胞壞死或凋亡時,細胞內的 ATP 濃度即會快速下降,因此可藉由偵測細胞內的 ATP 含量,作為細胞生長活性及細胞毒性的直觀指標。

美商 Revvity 公司針對 ATP 偵測所推出的「ATPlite & ATPlite 1step」系列產品具有以下優勢特點:

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ATPlite & ATPlite 1step 系列產品偵測原理是利用 ATP 與 Luciferase 、Luciferin 作用反應後會產生光的特性,來檢測細胞內的 ATP 含量

Fig. 1 | Assay principle for ATP-based luminescence assays for measuring cell proliferation and cytotoxicity. Cellular ATP is quantified following direct lysis of the cells with suitable detergent or lysis buffer. ATP released from the lysed cells reacts with added luciferin in the presence of luciferase, oxygen and magnesium to produce light. The emitted light is then quantified with the use of a luminescence reader, whereby the measured luminescence signal is directly proportional to the amount of ATP present in the sample; and hence light intensity is representative of the number and health of cells present in the sample. The reagents have been formulated to generate a stable signal, avoiding the need to use dispensers built in the readers.

ATPlite & ATPlite 1step 系列產品比較表

  ATPlite ATPlite 1step
款式說明 將「裂解細胞」與「冷光呈色」分成兩個步驟進行,可更充分地裂解細胞。適合對實驗準確度有高度要求的研究者使用 將「裂解細胞」與「冷光呈色」兩種反應以單一步驟完成。適合對實驗靈敏度與檢測速度有高度要求的研究者使用
實驗流程 兩個步驟 單一步驟
訊號強度 中等 強(約 3 倍)
發光時間 5 小時 0.5 小時

使用 ATPlite 3D 系列產品檢測腫瘤球生長狀態,能取得更加準確穩定的實驗結果

分別使用專為 3D 腫瘤球設計的 ATPlite 1step 3D 與適用於 2D 培養細胞的 ATPlite 1step 檢測 DU 145 腫瘤球的生長情形。經三重複實驗,可以發現 ATPlite 1step 3D 實驗結果的線性與再現性皆明顯優於 2D 款檢測試劑。


2D 細胞實驗適用款

Product Name Pack Size* Cat. No.
ATPlite Luminescence Assay System 300 assays PK-6016943
1,000 assays PK-6016941
5,000 assays PK-6016947
10,000 assays PK-6016949
ATPlite 1step Luminescence Assay System 100 assays PK-6016736
1,000 assays PK-6016731
10,000 assays PK-6016739

*Assay number is based on 96-well microplate.

3D 細胞實驗適用款

Product Name Pack Size* Cat. No.
ATPlite 3D 300 assays PK-6066943
ATPlite 1step 3D 100 assays PK-6066736

*Assay number is based on 96-well microplate.
