產品介紹細胞培養與分析活細胞影像觀察攝影CELLESTIAL® Assay Kits


CELLESTIAL® 活細胞螢光染劑 | Enzo Life Sciences 台灣代理伯森生技由國際知名大廠 Enzo Life Sciences 所研發的 CELLESTIAL® 活細胞螢光染劑系列產品,可協助科研人員透過螢光顯微鏡或高內涵篩選系統實際觀察到測試藥物對於活細胞生理狀態與功能的影響性,應用研究領域包含:Autophagy、Cell death/viability、Organelle detection、Oxidative stress…等。


CELLESTIAL® 細胞螢光染劑系列產品具有細胞穿透性與高度專一性。使用時非常簡單便利,無需進行細胞固定 (fixation) 或打洞 (permeabilization),只需簡單將染劑加入細胞中,即可對各種細胞生理現象進行監測與精確分析。針對研究者們經常使用到的 GFP 螢光表現細胞,Enzo Life Sciences 研發團隊更貼心設計了可相容使用的紅色螢光染劑 (品名中帶有「GFP-CERTIFIED®」標示),讓研究者們有更多樣化的產品選擇。


CELLESTIAL® 除了可適用於螢光顯微鏡與高內涵篩選系統外,部分商品還可適用於流式細胞儀或盤式螢光儀檢測,歡迎洽詢伯森業務專員索取相關產品資訊。



Product Name Size Cat. No.
CYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit 50 tests ENZ-51031-0050
200 tests ENZ-51031-K200
CYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit 2.0 50 tests ENZ-KIT175-0050
200 tests ENZ-KIT175-0200
PROTEOSTAT® Aggresome detection kit 25 tests ENZ-51035-0025
100 tests ENZ-51035-K100

Calcium Mobilization

Product Name Size Cat. No.
FLUOFORTE® Calcium assay kit* 10x96 tests ENZ-51017
FLUOFORTE® Calcium assay kit* 100x96 tests ENZ-51016
GFP-CERTIFIED® FLUOFORTE® Calcium assay kit** 10x96 wells ENZ-51020-KP010
100x96 wells ENZ-51020-KP100

*FLUOFORTE® Reagent is available separately as: ENZ-52014 (5x50 µg) and ENZ-52015 (1 mg).
**GFP-CERTIFIED® FLUOFORTE® Reagent is available separately as: ENZ-52016-5C50 (5x50 µg) and ENZ-52016-M001 (1 mg).

Cell Cycle / Cell Death / Cell Viability

Product Name Size Cat. No.
NUCLEAR-ID® Green cell cycle kit 100 assays ENZ-51014-100
NUCLEAR-ID® Red cell cycle kit (GFP-CERTIFIED®) 100 assays ENZ-51008-100
NUCLEAR-ID® Blue DNA stain (GFP-CERTIFIED®) 200 µl ENZ-CHM103-0200
NUCLEAR-ID® Red DNA stain 200 µl ENZ-52406
GFP-CERTIFIED® Apoptosis/Necrosis detection kit 25 assays ENZ-51002-25
100 assays ENZ-51002-100
NUCLEAR-ID® Green chromatin condensation detection kit 200 assays ENZ-51021-K200
NUCLEAR-ID® Blue/Green cell viability reagent 100 µl ENZ-53004-C100
NUCLEAR-ID® Blue/Red cell viability reagent (GFP-CERTIFIED®) 100 µl ENZ-53005-C100
NUCLEAR-ID® Red/Green cell viability reagent 100 µl ENZ-53006-C100
Calcein AM (ultra pure) 1 mg ENZ-52002

Cell Lineage Tracing

Product Name Size Cat. No.
CYTO-ID® Green long-term cell tracer kit 25 assays ENZ-51036-K025
CYTO-ID® Red long-term cell tracer kit 25 assays ENZ-51037-K025

Cell Senescence

Product Name Size Cat. No.
Cellular senescence live cell analysis assay 10 assays ENZ-KIT130-0010

Multi-Drug Resistance

Product Name Size Cat. No.
EFLUXX-ID® Green multidrug resistance assay kit 100 assays ENZ-51029-K100
EFLUXX-ID® Gold multidrug resistance assay kit 100 assays ENZ-51030-K100

Oxidative Stress

Product Name Size Cat. No.
ROS-ID® Hypoxia/Oxidative stress detection kit 125 tests ENZ-51042-0125
500 tests ENZ-51042-K500
MITO-ID® Membrane potential detection kit 25 tests ENZ-51018-0025
100 tests ENZ-51018-K100
MITO-ID® Membrane potential cytotoxicity kit 2 x 96-well plates ENZ-51019-KP002
ROS-ID® ROS/RNS detection kit 200 assays ENZ-51001-200
ROS-ID® Total ROS/Superoxide detection kit 200 assays ENZ-51010
ROS-ID® Total ROS detection kit 200 assays ENZ-51011
ROS-ID® Superoxide detection kit 200 assays ENZ-51012
ROS-ID® NO Detection kit 200 assays ENZ-51013-200
JC-1 (ultra pure) 5 mg ENZ-52304
JC-10 (ultra pure) 5 mg ENZ-52305

Organelle Detection

Product Name Size Cat. No.
ER-ID® Green assay kit 500 assays ENZ-51025-K500
ER-ID® Red assay kit (GFP-CERTIFIED®) 500 assays ENZ-51026-K500
GOLGI ID® Green assay kit 100 assays ENZ-51028-K100
LYSO-ID® Green detection kit 100 tests ENZ-51034-0100
500 tests ENZ-51034-K500
LYSO-ID® Red detection kit (GFP-CERTIFIED®) 100 tests ENZ-51005-0100
500 tests ENZ-51005-500
LYSO-ID® Red cytotoxicity kit (GFP-CERTIFIED®) 2 x 96-well plates ENZ-51015-KP002
MITO-ID® Green detection kit 100 tests ENZ-51022-0100
500 tests ENZ-51022-K500
MITO-ID® Red detection kit (GFP-CERTIFIED®) 100 tests ENZ-51007-0100
500 tests ENZ-51007-500
NUCLEOLAR-ID® Green detection kit 500 assays ENZ-51009-500
TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® green/red nucleolar/nuclear detection kit 500 assays ENZ-51006-500
Mixture of fluorescent dyes for detection of lysosomes, mitochondria and nucleic acids
200 μl ENZ-53007-C200
Mixture of fluorescent dyes for detection of lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum and nucleic acids
200 μl ENZ-53008-C200
Mixture of fluorescent dyes for detection of endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and nucleus
100 assays ENZ-51032-K100
ORGANELLE-ID-RGB® reagent IV for microscopy
Mixture of fluorescent dyes for detection of lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum and nucleic acids
200 μl ENZ-53009-C200