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請點擊下列分類選項,瀏覽相關常見問答集。若您在以下內容中無法找尋到您所需要的解答,歡迎您隨時與我們聯絡,我們將竭誠為您服務。 |
生物材料輸入進口作業常見問答如何申請進口具感染性病原體相關生物材料(傳染病檢體/人類病原體)? 依據我國防疫規定,進口此類生物材料,需完成下列流程 (下載申請流程範例簡介):
Western Blot 常見問答
在膠片或底片上所顯示的訊號條帶 (band),若不是出現在預期偵測的分子量位置,一般會被認定為非專一性結合條帶 (non-specific binding bands)。其可能形成原因,依照非專一性結合條帶出現的位置,可區分為下列兩大類:
為何第一次壓片時明明可以看見很強的訊號,之後卻完全壓不出來?我的冷光試劑壞了嗎? 這種情形通常發生在二級抗體稀釋倍率過低時。簡單判別的方式是,在暗房中進行呈色反應後,若是您可以在暗房中以肉眼清楚看見您的轉漬膜上有發光條帶產生,即是抗體過量導致冷光試劑瞬間大量反應。此種情形會使得第一次壓片結果呈現很強的訊號,而由於冷光試劑已於數十秒內迅速作用完畢,因此後續無法再壓出任何結果。欲解決此問題,僅需將二級抗體的稀釋倍率增加即可。然而由於二級抗體廠牌眾多,我們無法提供準確的稀釋倍率建議,但依照我們的客戶使用經驗,一般來說提升 1,000 倍即可看見明顯的問題改善。 若想取得高再現性與高精準度的 Westrn Blot 數位影像定量結果,我們建議可以從「Western Blot 實驗流程」、「影像擷取」、「影像分析」這三個部分著手,以下為幾點建議: Western Blot 實驗流程:
Peptide 合成常見問答如何回溶 Peptide? Peptides are usually supplied as a white, fluffy, freeze-dried (lyophilized) material in serum vials. Because of their vastly differing amino acid sequence, length, and overall composition, peptides have a wide range of chemical properties; therefore, the following guidelines may not cover all possible peptides. If you require more information concerning a specific peptide, please contact us. Use only a small amount of peptide to test for solubility. Only when the peptide has been fully dissolved should the buffer salts be added and the solution diluted to its final concentration. Dissolution in water or a buffer solution have proven to be the best ways to reconstitute peptides. However, some peptides have low water solubility and thus need to be dissolved in other solvents. In order to maintain biological activity of the peptide, a minimal amount of non-aqueous solvents should be used initially followed by addition of a buffer solution or water to make up the desired volume. Specifically, the best way to dissolve peptide powder is to use PBS, Tris, or Phosphate pH 7 buffer. If the peptide doesn't dissolve, then employ a minimal amount of DMSO to dissolve the peptide. Resuspension with PBS or PBS+DMSO is then followed by dilution of the stock solution with the request buffer in order to reach the final desired concentration. If precipitation occurs during the dilution process, we recommend quickly adding a small amount of DMSO in order to render the suspension clear again. Alternatively, the suspension can be heated slightly to attempt to make the solution clear. Please note that once the peptide has not dissolved into the buffer diluted solution, the subsequent addition of DMSO will not dissolve the peptide. If after all of these attempts the peptide has not dissolved into the solution, lyophilize the peptide solution back into a dry power, then attempt to redissolve the peptide once more. If DMSO interferes with the experimental system being used, alternative solvents include DMF (dimethylformamide) and acetonitrile, in that order of preference. Some peptides are very hygroscopic, therefore they avidly trap humidity from the air. Peptides of this type appear crystalline or as resins and are hard to weigh out accurately because of their propensity to hydrate and often stick to the sides of the vial. The best approach for handling these peptides is to dissolve the peptide entirely and then aliquot it out volumetrically, freezing the unused portions and storing at -20°C. |
CNM Compartmental Protein Extraction Kit (Cat. No. K3012010) 是否可適用於植物組織樣品? 不行。 CNM Compartmental Protein Extraction Kit 的萃取效率如何? 不同的組織或樣品會有不同的產量。
以 CNM Compartmental Protein Extraction Kit 萃取出的蛋白質,是否可適用於免疫沈澱實驗? 可以。 以 CNM Compartmental Protein Extraction Kit 萃取出蛋白質後,若發現 Membrane protein 污染到 Nuclear fraction 時該如何改善?
Total Protein Extraction Kit (Cat. No. K3011010) 是否可適用於植物組織樣品? 可以。 Total Protein Extraction Kit 的萃取效率如何? 不同的組織或樣品會有不同的產量,以 1 g liver tissue 為例約為 100 mg total protein。 以 Total Protein Extraction Kit 萃取出的蛋白質,是否可適用於免疫沈澱實驗? 可以。 |
初代細胞 (Primary cell) 與細胞株 (Cell line) 有何不同? 視研究者觀點不同,對這兩種細胞種類的定義也會有所差異。一般來說,初代細胞是指第一次從生物體上分離出且進行繼代動作的細胞。這類的細胞的壽命是有限的,擁有最佳生長能力的細胞將會大量地增生繁殖,逐漸主宰整個族群,最後會得到基因型和表現型一致的細胞族群。細胞株通常是由正常細胞 (或癌細胞) 經過與癌細胞融合轉形而成,具有無限的細胞生長能力,可進行許多次的繼代培養。然而隨著繼代培養次數的增加,細胞中的基因組會產生變異不穩定的情形,細胞型態與功能亦有可能隨之改變。 當收到商品時,請立即將冷凍細胞從乾冰中取出後放入液態氮中。盡可能縮短從乾冰包裝中轉移到液態氮之間的時間,以避免細胞因回溫解凍而再冷凍時所造成的傷害。不可將細胞保存在 -80°C,-80°C 的環境將會對細胞造成不可逆的傷害。
在解凍初代細胞時,需要以離心的方式去除冷凍劑中所包含的 DMSO 嗎? 並不建議以離心的方式去除 DMSO,離心的過程會傷害細胞,尤其是當轉速 過高時。當使用 T-75 flask 和 15ml 的 medium 培養細胞時,此時的 DMSO 濃度低於 0.67%(v/v),並不會對細胞造成有害的影響。 人類正常初代細胞可以培養放大後再重新冷凍 (refreeze) 嗎? 視細胞的種類而定。有些細胞像是神經細胞 (neurons)、小膠質細胞 (microglia)、和其他生長速度緩慢的上皮細胞,不建議做細胞族群放大和再冷凍。而像纖維母細胞 (fibroblast)、星狀細胞 (stellate cells)、和星狀神經膠細胞 (astrocytes) 等…則可以進行再冷凍。但需特別注意的是,再冷凍的過程可能會導致細胞生長發生變異,需審慎選擇所使用的細胞冷凍保存液。 |
放射性實驗常見問答如何知道物質表面是否有受到放射線物質污染? 欲正確偵測物質表面是否有受到放射線物質污染,必須進行「擦拭試驗 (Wipe Test)」,其流程說明如下: