PerkinElmer 為國際知名新藥開發技術領導品牌,其獨家高通量藥物開發篩選平台—— Alpha, DELFIA® 與 LANCE® 技術長期以來深受全球生技醫藥產業的信賴與肯定。2019 年和 2021 年成功併購納入 Cisbio 和 Nexcelom Bioscience 以後,更擴展研發能量與技術整合能力,為藥物開發與篩選帶來更加卓越完備的實驗解決方案!請點擊下方連結了解 PerkinElmer 旗下生命科學研究產品。完整產品資訊與最新活動訊息,歡迎洽詢 PerkinElmer 台灣代理伯森生技。
- 生物分子檢測平台 (Biomolecular Assay Platforms)
- 蛋白質體學研究工具 (Proteomics Tools)
- Western Blot 實驗工具 (Western Blot Tools)
- Western Lightning series HRP chemiluminescent substrates
- PolyScreen series PVDF blotting membranes
- Lightning Blot Transfer Stack & Lightning Blot Transfer System
- Protran series nitrocellulose blotting membranes
- Enzyme, Fluorescent Dye, or Radioactive Isotope Labeled Reagents (Secondary Antibodies)
- 4CN Plus
- Western Lightning CDP-Star
- Multicolor Protein Markers, Wide Range
- Biotinylated Molecular Weight Marker
- [Methyl-14C] Methylated, Protein Molecular Weight Markers
- Kodak BioMax series autoradiography films
- Kodak BioMax series autoradiography cassettes
- Kodak BioMax series intensifying screens
- Kodak Developer and Fixer
- Autoradiography Enhancers
- Western BLAST
- HPLC 管柱與耗材 (HPLC Columns and Consumables)
- 細胞分析試劑 (Cell-based Assay Kits)
- ATPlite & ATPlite 1step
- DELFIA Cell Proliferation Kit
- DELFIA Cytotoxicity Kit
- Cytostar-T Scintillating Microplate
- 免疫分析試劑 (Immunoassay Kits)
- 分生試劑 (Molecular Biology Reagents)
- Luciferase Reporter Assay Kits
- GeneScreen series nylon blotting membranes
- Protran series nitrocellulose blotting membranes
- Radioactive Nucleotides
- Non-Radioactive Nucleotides
- Radioactive Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit
- GPCR 藥物篩選 (GPCR Drug Screening)
- 受體-配體結合試驗 (Receptor-Ligand Binding Assay)
- GTP 結合試驗 (GTP Binding Assay)
- cAMP 偵測 (cAMP Detection)
- LANCE Ultra cAMP Kit
- AlphaScreen cAMP Assay Kit
- cAMP [125I] FlashPlate Assay
- cAMP [125I] RIA Kit
- Receptor Cell Lines
- 磷酸化 Erk 偵測 (Phospho Erk Detection)
- 鈣離子濃度偵測 (Calcium Detection)
- 表觀遺傳學分析試劑 (Epigenetics Research Reagents)
- DNA 甲基化 (DNA Methylation)
- 組蛋白修飾 (Histone Modificaiton)
- 染色質重組 (Chromatin Remodelling)
- 放射性實驗 (Radiometric Assays)
- 放射性化合物 (Radiochemical)
- 液相閃爍計數 (Liquid Scintillation Counting)
- SPA 技術 (SPA Technology)
- 輻射防護設備 (Radiation Safety Equipment)
- 實驗室去污劑 (Lab Decontamination Reagents)
- 客製化服務 (Custom Services)
- 多功能微量盤分析儀 (Multilabel Plate Reader)